Thursday, June 21, 2007

Border security first

I sent this letter to Senator Patty Murray today. It's not much. Just to keep pressure on the topic.
Senator Murray,

Protect our borders before you give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Amnesty will attract more.

First, complete the fence on the Mexico border. The government of Mexico is flouting our laws and allowing people to cross in great numbers.

The cost is worth it.

Second, have special screening for people from countries that harbor terrorists. They are sending people via Mexico who want to kill us. We know which countries are the problem. Have special screening for their citizens, residents and people who travel from there.

Don't rush. Make sure we will be safe. Security first.


Ron Hebron
Hugh Hewitt has lots of interviews - both sides - and some ideas. And he read the entire miserable bill. This blog entry has links to the interviews and Hugh's analysis and suggestions for ammendments.


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