Saturday, May 19, 2007

Garage (HP's) a national historic landmark

The Silicon Valley garage that spawned Hewlett-Packard has become a national historic landmark, the company said.

The site where co-founders Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard lived and set up shop in 1938 was listed on the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places.

The property consists of a two-story house, garage and shed at 367 Addison Ave. in Palo Alto. It was there that Hewlett and Packard developed their first product, an audio oscillator, which Walt Disney Co. used to improve sound quality in its 1940 animated movie "Fantasia."

"The significance of the garage and the house is more associated with the entrepreneurial spirit in which it was developed," said Paul Lusignan, a historian with the National Register.

Seattle Times


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