Sunday, May 08, 2005

V-E Day - 60 Years

World War II was a terrible war and the victory was an incredible accomplishment. Evil was allowed to gain a foot hold. When France folded and Great Britain was humiliated and other countries fought, but were overrun, the United States harnessed great resources both at home and on the military fronts. The nations of Europe with the US regrouped and fought until they cornered and defeated Hitler. The USSR had huge losses.

WBUR, Boston's public radio station has a radio program online - "On Point - 60th Anniversary of V-E Day." Very interesting coverage.

Historian David Kennedy, Stanford University... "... there is still a seemingly unlimited amount of evil in the world!"

They interviewed Walter Elers of California, Medal of Honor recipient... "I wanted to stay alive..." - "I was doing my job..." - "We were fighting to defeat the Nazis... for freedom. The US always fought for freedom..."


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